Monday, May 26, 2014

Things I learned at WisCon 38

These are a mixture of personal and second-hand knowledge gleaned from this weekend.
  1. Always buy the anthology before the panel. It will be sold out and force you to order it online instead. (I'm looking at you Long Hidden.)

  2. Walgreens closes at 8pm. Take precautions.

  3. Be prepared to cull your party size to get seating at Nepalese restaurants.

  4. Absolutely nothing is open on Memorial Day.

  5. Hot tubs are always legitimate locations to hold critique sessions.

  6. That person you were just talking to might be an editor and might not appreciate your opinions on Legend of Korra. (Even if you are right.)

  7. Flights are skittish things and can be delayed indefinitely and without notice.

  8. The hotel bar will close before you can actually start drinking, but the wait staff is amazing.

  9. The iPhone Facebook app will not let you view any friend requests from all the awesome people you meet. Twitter is a much more reliable system.

  10. If someone suggests that a particular piece of clothing would look good on you for the Floomp, believe them. (What could possibly go wrong?)

  11. WisCon 39 sounds like an absolute blast. 

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